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Learn How to Fly RC Planes
- Flight School from RC Airplane World
Learning how to fly rc airplanes is a truly exhilarating experience but, like any new hobby, it needs to be taken step-by-step.
The expression "Don't run before you can walk" holds true, so don't land before you can take off!!
These RC Flight School pages will teach you the basics and guide you through the process, from choosing and buying your first radio control plane, to flying some basic aerobatics.
RC Pastime Popularity
Radio control flying has become a hugely popular hobby in recent years.
In the early 2000's the pastime saw a massive explosion in popularity, thanks mainly to the advent of electric powered Ready To Fly aircraft (planes & helicopters).
RC aircraft have become increasingly more affordable and easier to fly over the years, a huge attraction to people thinking of entering the hobby.
Quite simply, there's never been a better time to take up radio control flying as your new pastime!
While the popularity surge is great news for the hobby, the choice of model aircraft is overwhelming to the newcomer - and that's not so great. But choosing a suitable rc airplane isn't too difficult, and neither is getting it airborne - so long as you're sensible and follow good advice.
Radio control flying is a hobby that can take you on an exciting journey, and teach you so many different things, but be warned - it's very addictive!
What This RC Flight School will Teach You
If you're thinking about learning how to fly rc airplanes then you've certainly found the right website.
RC Airplane World (www.rc-airplane-world.com) is all about helping you to get started in this exhilarating and highly rewarding pastime.
From these RC Flight School pages, you will learn about...
- Choosing and buying your first rc plane.
- Getting familiar with the plane and radio.
- Assembling & preparing your airplane.
- Weight and balance.
- Finding a suitable location to fly.
- Pre-flight checks.
- Hand launching and taking off.
- Flying and trimming the airplane.
- Landing.
Do bear in mind that these RC Flight School pages have been written with self-teaching and electric powered (EP) three/four channel 'park flyer' type rc planes in mind. This is simply because these are the most popular type of planes that beginners learn to fly on.
Internal combustion (IC) powered rc planes are a bit more involved, although most of the flight school info within these pages is still perfectly applicable to IC airplanes.
If you are going down the IC route, you should consider rc flying club membership.
So without further ado, let's get you started with learning how to fly rc airplanes!...
Lesson 1: Choosing & buying your first rc plane.
- Lesson 2: Know your rc airplane.
- Lesson 3: Preparing your plane.
- Lesson 4: RC airplane weight and balance.
- Lesson 5: Where to fly your plane.
- Lesson 6: Pre-flight checks.
- Lesson 7: Take off / hand launch.
- Lesson 8: Flying your rc airplane.
- Lesson 9: Landing your rc airplane.
All the above Flight School topics are covered in more detail in my Beginner's Guide To Flying RC Airplanes ebook.
Consider an RC Flight Simulator
When you learn how to fly rc airplanes, you need all the practice you can get.
I strongly recommend that you consider buying an rc flight simulator, as they really are an invaluable aid to your learning. And all of the RC Airplane World Flight School flying lessons can be practised in safety on a sim.
The RealFlight Simulator is one I can personally recommend.

Related (non flight school) Pages
Pages that are not part of this 'flight school' section of the website but are pages you should also look at include: