*My website, RC Airplane World, is now for sale. Established 20+ years, big potential. Contact me through my contact page if you are interested!*
Massachusetts RC Airplane Clubs
Approximate club flying field locations have been given for these rc airplane clubs of Massachusetts (MA) to help you identify a club in your area.
For more detailed locations and directions and for membership details, please visit the club's website. If there is no website, contact details are shown.
If you know of an rc airplane club or flying field in Massachusetts that isn't listed here, please take a couple of minutes to submit the details using the simple submission form.
If you find a dead or broken link while using this page, please report it here - thank you very much!
Massachusetts RC Plane Clubs, by County
County names listed alphabetically:
B - D - E - F - H - M - N - P - S - W
Barnstable County
Discover Flying R/C Club
Location: Marston Mills flying field on the Cape Cod Airport.
Otis Model Aero Club
Location: Crane Fish Wildlife Mgmt Area, Rt. 151, E. Falmouth.
Berkshire County
Bristol County
Dukes County
Essex County
107th RC Flyers
Location: Southbound Rt. 107 between Lynn and Revere, Saugus.
Cape Ann RC Model Club
Location: Long Hill Farm on Rt. 113 in West Newbury, about 35 miles north of Boston.
Goddard Airport R/C Flyers
Location: 1020 North Broadway, Haverhill.
Contact: Robert Goddard - robertgoddard1020 @ comcast . net (no spaces).
MA Model Aircraft Assoc.
Location: Crescent Farm, Bradford.
Contact: John J. Benincasa - jairjart @ comcast . net (no spaces).
NorthEast RC Club
Location: Elmwood St., Salisbury.
Franklin County
Franklin County Radio Control Club
Location: 110 Industrial Blvd at the Turners Falls Airport.
Hampden County
Hampshire County
Hampshire County Radio Controllers
Location: Hadley.
Middlesex County
Burlington R/C Flyers
Location: Burlington, Massachusetts (about two miles from the Burlington Mall), adjacent to Blanchard Road.
Charles River Radio Controllers
Location: various fields, see website for details.
Middlesex County R-C Fliers
Location: Treble Cove Road, in Billerica.
495th R/C Squadron
Location: Tewksbury and Groton.
Nantucket County
Norfolk County
Millis Model Aircraft Club
Location: Charles River Reservation, Medfield.
Plymouth County
The Bogs Hog RC Club
Location: 85 High Street on the back bog, Rochester.
South Shore Radio Control Club
Location: Bridgewater.
Suffolk County
Worcester County
Central Mass Radio Control Modelers
Location: Lyman St.,approx.1.5 mi. North of Rt.9., Northborough.
Quinapoxet Model Flying Club
Location: off Rt. 110 in Lancaster.
Wachusett RC Flyers
Location: Sterling.
Use the AMA club search for more Massachusetts rc airplane clubs.
Is your MA Club not listed? Submit it here.
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