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RC model aero clubs in
New South Wales, Australia

Approximate field locations have been given for these rc airplane clubs of New South Wales, just to help you identify a club in your area.

For more detailed locations and directions, times and addresses of club meetings and for membership details, please visit the club's website by clicking on the active link.

If you know of an rc airplane club or flying field in NSW that isn't listed here, please take a couple of minutes to submit the details using the simple submission form, and help us build a bigger and better rc club directory!

If you find a dead or broken link while using this page, please report it here - thank you very much.

Map of New South Wales

Click the image to open NSW in Google Maps.
Google Map of NSW

New South Wales clubs:

Archville Eagles
Website: n/a
Location: Yellow Rock Road, Urunga.
Contact: Paul Hinton .0266582878 / pauljudy[at]dodo[dot]com[dot]au.

Bathurst Model Aero Sports
Website: facebook.com/groups/641405585993001
Location: Bathurst.

Bega District Model Club
Website: www.facebook.com/BegaDistrictModelClub
Location: Frogs Hollow, Bega.

Central Coast Model Aero Club
Website: www.centralcoastmodelaeroclub.com
Location: Mannering Park, north of Sydney - see website for map.

Feral Flyers Model Aero Club Inc.
Website: www.feralflyers.org
Location: Old Bar NSW 2430.

Forster Model Aero Club
Website: www.facebook.com/forstermodelaeroclub
Location: Situated eight minutes south of Forster on the Lakes Way.

Forster Tuncurry Model Aero Club Inc.
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/fatmacflying/home
Location: 108 Minimbah Rd., Nabiac.

Gosford City Aeromodellers Club
Website: www.gcac.org.au
Location: Mangrove Rd, Narara.

Hornsby Electric Model Flying Club
Website: http://hemfc.org.au
Location: Fagan Park, Galston NSW.

Lake Macqaurie Miniature Aircraft Club (LMMAC)
Website: www.lmmac.net
Location: Griffen Road, Teralba, Lake Macqaurie.

Milton/Ulladulla Model Aircraft Club
Website: n/a
Location: Ulladulla Sports Park (Follow the signs to the Sports Park and Skate Park), Ulladulla
Contact: Richard Knox (Club President) on 02 4457 3120 / rpknox[at]bigpond[dot]com.

New South Wales Scale Aircraft Society
Website: n/a
Location: Sydney, NSW
Contact: 02-97346288.

Northern Beaches Soaring Club
Website: n/a
Location: Various, on the Northern Beaches.
Contact: Patrick McGrath: mcgrathpatrick[at]hotmail[dot]com/(02) 9979 5638.

Parramatta Radio Control Aircraft Club
Website: www.rcflyingclub.com
Location: Reynolds Park off Tucks Rd & Powers Rd, Toongabbie.

Penrith Electric Model Aero Club
Website: www.pemac.com.au
Location: Russell Street, Emu Heights, Sydney.

Orange Model Aircraft Club Inc.
Website: n/a
Location: 16 Klms west of Orange on The Escort Way towards Parkes & Forbes
Contact: E-mail Norman Barnes at norbar[at]bigpond[dot]com.

Penrith Glenmore Park RC Flying Club
Website: n/a
Location: Glenmore Park 2745, Sydney West
Contact: Nasir Subhan: 0411134022 / subhan.nasir[at]gmail[dot]com.

Rebel Flying Club
Website: www.rebelflyingclub.com/
Location: Hexham, Newcastle.

Shoalhaven Model Flying Club
Website: www.shoalhaven.net.au/~shoalhavenmfc
Location: Archer Race Course, Albatross Rd., Nowra.

Southern Highlands Model Aero Club
Website: https://shmac.org/
Location: Moss Vale road Burradoo.

Sunset Soaring Club, Inc.
Website: www.sunsetsoaring.org
Location: Golden Jubilee Back Oval, Esk St. Wahroonga.

Sutherland Shire Sport Flying Association Inc.
Website: www.sssfa.com
Location: 300m south of the turnoff to Wooronora Dam on Old Princes Highway, Sydney.
Contact: Bryan.

Website: www.tarmac.org.au
Location: Tip Road Somerton, 30Km.west of Tamworth N.S.W.

The New South Wales Scale Aircraft Society Inc.
Website: www.facebook.com/nswsas
Location: We do not have a flying field of our own, but instead utilise other club fields promoting Scale Aircraft modelling through our Club Scale competitions. Sydney.

Warringah Radio Control Society
Website: https://wrcs.org.au/WP1/home
Location: Slippery Dip Trail Belrose NSW.


Submit your rc model aero club of New South Wales here.

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