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Oregon RC airplane clubs
and flying fields

Approximate field locations have been given for these rc airplane clubs of Oregon (OR), just to help you identify a club in your area.

For more detailed locations and directions, times and addresses of club meetings and for membership details, please visit the club's website by clicking on the active link.

If you know of an rc airplane club or flying field in Oregon that isn't listed here, please take a couple of minutes to submit the details using the submission form, and help us build a bigger and better rc club directory.

If you find a dead or broken link while using this page, please report it here - thank you very much.

Map of Oregon

Click the image to open OR in Google Maps.
Google Map of Oregon

Oregon clubs:

Albany Thundervolts R/C Club
Website: www.tvrc.club
Location: Albany.

Bend Aero Modelers
Website: www.bamrc.com
Location: Horse Ridge, 18 miles east of Bend (refer to website for directions).

Creswell RC Flyers
Website: http://creswellrcflyers.org/
Location: Walker airport, Creswell.

Douglas County R/C Flyers
Website: dc-rc-fliers.webs.com
Location: Henry Estate Winery, 687 Hubbard Creek Road, Umpqua, OR 97486.

Dusters RC Club
Website: www.dustersrc.com
Location: Woodburn.

Evergreen Aero Modelers
Website: http://teamrc.org/
Location: Behind Evergreen Museum of Flight, McMinnville.

Eugene RC Aeronauts
Website: http://eugenerc.com
Location: north of Eugene Airport.

Felt Field Flyers
Website: n/a
Location: Felt Road, Roseburg.
Contact: Gary Holcomb thom . williams . jr@gmail . com (no spaces)

Fly-A-Ways R/C Club
Website: www.flyaways.org
Location: Beaverton.

Keizer Radio Control Association
Website: krosswindsrc.com
Location: 6763 Highway 99E, Keizer, OR 97305.

Klamath Flightmasters
Website: www.sportsparkkeno.org/pages/flight_masters.html
Location: Bill Scholtes Sportsman Park, Keno, Klamath Falls.

McMinnville Aircraft Modelers
Website: https://mcminnvilleaircraftmodelers.weebly.com/
Location: southwest of McMinnville on Masonville Rd., 1 1/2 miles west of Hwy 18, McMinnville, OR.

Molalla Radio Control Association
Website: www.molrca.com
Location: Molalla.

Website: www.omas-rc.org
Location: Strohmayer Road near Lewis Farms, Banks.

Oregon Scale Squadron
Website: n/a
Location: River Gate Industrial Park, Portland.
Contact: Dick Wisher - dickw4887 @ gmail . com (no spaces)

Portland Area Sailplane Society
Website: www.passoaring.us
Location: Portland Metro Area.

Portland Barnstormers
Website: portlandbarnstormers.org
Location: 23153 Butteville Rd NE, Aurora, OR 97002.

Portland Skyknights
Website: www.sky-knights.org
Location: on Orient Drive just off Route 26, Boring, Portland.

Rogue Eagles RC Club
Website: www.rogue-eagles.org/
Location: Antelope Rd., White City Or.

Rogue Valley Flyers
Website: www.roguevalleyflyers.com
Location: Grants Pass Skypark, 2 miles from Grants Pass.

Salem RC Pilots Association
Website: www.salemrcpilots.com
Location: Turner, Oregon.

South Coast RC Squadron
Website: www.southcoastrcsquadron.com
Location: Powers airport, Powers, Oregon.

Umpqua Valley Modelers
Website: umpquavalleymodelersclub.com
Location: Wilbur Road, Roseburg Oregon.

Use the AMA club search for more Oregon rc airplane clubs.

Is your OR Club not listed? Submit it here.

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