RC Airplane World - Complete Beginners RC Flying Guide

*My website, RC Airplane World, is now for sale. Established 20+ years, big potential. Contact me through my contact page if you are interested!*

RC Airplane Magazines & Books

Reading rc airplane magazines and books about radio control flying shouldn't be seen as 'old school' in this online world that we live in today.
In fact, a magazine subscription is an excellent and simplified way of making sure you're up to date with this rapidly changing hobby.

Popular US aeromodelling magazine choices such as Model Airplane News and Backyard Flyer are invaluable sources of information, both for the newcomer and the seasoned enthusiast. And an annual subscription offered by online magazine suppliers and publishers will often save you anything up to 50% off the price of buying each magazine separately over the course of a year.

RCM&E magazineHere in the UK I personally subscribe to RCM&E (Radio Controlled Models and Electronics). I believe the North American version of the same magazine is called RC Model Aeroplane.
RCM&E is the top rc magazine here in the UK and is an excellent read.

Another advantage of subscribing is that your magazine collection can be resold at a later date. I always sell my RCM&E back issues on ebay and usually manage to cover the subscription cost. Happy days!

My back issue RCM&E magazines

Above: some of my RCM&E back issues ready to be resold.

With all that said, however, rc plane magazines do seem to be dying a slow death which is sad. I used to list several on this page which you could subscribe to, but only Model Airplane News seems subscribable in the US these days.

Model Airplane News magazine Model Airplane NewsLink information tooltipProduct sold on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I may receive a small commission if you buy, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support, it helps keep RC Airplane World alive! is one of the longer running publications and one of the most popular, covering all aspects of the hobby.

MAN is always loaded with high quality articles from flight training to engine tuning, reviews on various products whether it's a new kit or a new rc system, and excellent photography. Model Airplane News would be a very sensible first choice for anyone already involved with or about to take up the hobby of rc airplanes.
Extract from a MAN reader review: "The price is just right, the editorial, product reviews, how-to's and pics are all amazing, and the subscription is a breeze. This magazine is for everyone, from beginners to pros..."

Backyard Flyer magazine Other mags previously shown here were Electric Flight (previously Backyard Flyer) and Fly RC.
Both of those titles conveyed the fun and excitement of flying Park Flyer type electric RC airplanes and other EP aircraft. I don't know if they've been replaced electronically.

RC Airplane Books

Books on rc airplane building and flying techniques can also be invaluable, and well worth keeping on the hobby room shelf. A couple of popular examples of rc airplane books can be seen below:

Getting Started in Radio Control Airplanes
Getting Started in Radio Control Airplanes by Gerry Yarrish.
Editorial description: "The book answers all of the beginning hobbyist's questions about building and flying rc airplanes. Step-by-step techniques and are illustrated with a wealth of photography and cover all the basics, from choosing and building a first model to covering and finishing it, understanding and installing glow engines, flight basics, and much more." Still available but dated.

The R/C Pilots Handbook
R/C Pilots Handbook also by Gerry Yarrish.
"This book has it all from basic flying skills (take offs and landings) to intermediate skills (dreaded cross wind take offs and landings)..."Again, available but dated.

RC Airplane Ebooks

While this page brings your attention to magazines and hard copy books, it's worth saying that there are some great e-books available for beginners to the hobby. You can learn about these right here, or click the image below to discover my own popular and well-received ebooks

The Beginner's Guide To Flying RC Airplanes and Helicopters ebooks

Click to buy the ebookPrice for both e-books: only $25.00.