RC Airplane World - Complete Beginners RC Flying Guide

*My website, RC Airplane World, is now for sale. Established 20+ years, big potential. Contact me through my contact page if you are interested!*

RC Airplane World FAQ and Help

Welcome to my humble website!

The FAQ on this page will help you understand what this site, RC Airplane World, is all about, and what you can and can't get from it.

If you've found this page while looking for FAQ and help on actual radio control flying, rather than website info, you can use this link to read some common 'getting started' questions and answers about the hobby.


What's RC Airplane World all about?

In a nutshell, this website is all about promoting the hobby of radio control flying.
The information contained within the site never gets overly technical. It's intentionally kept at a basic level so that anyone who knows nothing about the rc hobby, but would like to get involved, can understand the grass roots of this great (and very popular, exhilarating and addictive) pastime, without getting bogged down with info-overload.

Who's responsible for the site?

That would be me, Pete Carpenter. You can read all about my interest in radio control and flying right here.

Why bother?

Creating this website has been a great adventure for me, and has not only given me the opportunity to try and help promote this excellent hobby, but has let me write about and share something I'm truly passionate about.
I've learned, and continue to learn, a lot of things along the way. I've met a lot of great like-minded people because of this site, which is really just an extension of my hobby!

Can I buy stuff from here?

RC Airplane World is not any kind of store. It is a niche-content website. There are, however, links throughout the site to recommended products available on Amazon (US). Clicking any of these links will take you directly to Amazon.
I do sell my ebooks, written by myself, and my friend's helicopter ebooks. Also, I take orders for Bob Bishop's rc airplane plans for the more experienced builder.

Where can I get more product/shipping information?

From the store that the link took you to; more than likely that'll be Amazon. Please don't use my contact form for this purpose, as I probably won't be able to answer your question.

What happens if I click a link within the site?

Well, first off, it won't cost you anything!
Throughout the site there are product links to Amazon, clicking these will simply send you through to the Amazon website where you can find more detailed info on the products.

The other links that you'll see across the site are the 'Ads by Google'. They are hosted by Google and will take you to another site, which will not be related in any way to RC Airplane World. Again, clicking on these won't cost you anything.

The links in bold black down the left hand side of each page make up the RC Airplane World main navigation area; these will take you to different pages of rc-airplane-world.com.

How can I contact the owner of RC Airplane World?

Easy - use the form on this page to contact me, thanks!

How often is the site updated?

Pretty much on a daily basis. New content is always being added, or existing content updated accordingly. If you happen to stumble across any content that's embarrassingly out of date or incorrect, please let me know!

Why did you write your ebooks?

The "Beginner's Guides" ebooks expand on the info contained within the site. By having one (or both) of the ebooks to hand, you'll have a fully comprehensive guide to getting started in this wonderful hobby of radio control flying. Each ebook will give you a very solid foundation, more so than this website alone will give you.
Writing the ebooks was a natural thing to do after creating the website, and gave me another opportunity to write about what I love, plus make me some beer money on the side ;-)

Can I add my own content?

There was a time when you could, but I took that feature down. If you really want to share something, drop me an e-mail and perhaps we can work something out.

Is RC Airplane World country-specific?

The site has information that will help you get started in rc flying wherever you are in the world. A lot of rc related stuff is fairly universal. Where things do differ between countries (eg rc frequency control) I've done my best to separate the information accordingly. But generally speaking RC Airplane World is internationally applicable.

I see you've got some 'testimonials'. Why? And are they genuine?

A large amount of work has gone in to this website over the years, and every now and again a visitor will compliment me on the nature and style of the site, as well as the information that I provide. Such feedback is always great to receive, and it reminds me that I really am helping people get in to this great hobby! You can read the testimonials here.
All the comments are completely genuine and have been posted just to show new visitors what some previous visitors have thought of the site

I was hoping these were RC related FAQ, are there any?

But of course!
I've answered some common 'getting started' questions, you can find them right here.