RC Airplane World testimonials
- nice words about my site 
Personally I'm not a great reader of testimonial-type comments posted on websites - how do we know that they're genuine?
But... a great deal of work has gone (and still goes) in to this site as I try and share my enthusiasm for, and promote, the hobby of radio control flying. And every now and again visitors let me know that they like what they see.
Such testimonials show that RC Airplane World really does help people get started in rc flying, and that's a great thing for me to know! (If you'd like to leave feedback, please use the main contact page).
So, without further ado, here are some of those nice words...
"This site is literally AMAZING, both in its attention to detail, facts and tips in combination with being a positive read. I'm so so grateful that there are people out there so passionate about their craft that they go above and beyond so that other people without the years of experience or without the resources can enjoy that same passion. Many days I give up on humanity, then there are days I come across something as beautiful as this. Thank you"
- Ricky, USA.
"I happened upon your site and read it. I have been flying for well over 20 years. I wanted to say what a good job you have done on this site to help someone new to the hobby. I am going to send this like to a friend who is waning my help to fly. I agree 100% with everything you have on this page. Good to see someone helping people who are trying to get into this great hobby."
- Paul N, USA.
"Enjoyed reading your site the past two evenings. I built and flew control line and rc planes over 30 years ago, and now want to resume the hobby. Your site brought me up to date on the new technology and connected me with a local flying club. Thanks for your help!"
- Jerry M, USA.
"Your site is far more helpful, friendly and informational then I ever imagined I could find in ONE website! I have been engrossed in your site for the past 3 weeks, busy reading and decided on what I wanted to start with... ..After all, without YOUR site, a LOT of people would have never learned just how exciting, relaxing and enjoyable the world of RC'ing really is. You have a great site, I'm sure more people then U know appreciate all you have done for us all."
- Bernie, USA.
"I can't say enough about how much your site is helping me. I am just getting started in r/c and I've found answers to every question that has come up. Thank you so much."
- Buck B., USA.
"Wow, what a great site for a complete beginner like me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your love of RC flying with the rest of us in such a succinct and informative way!"
- Jim, USA.
"What an excellent and informative site - great tips, huge knowledge-base and succinct information, very well written and explained, and all done with a sense of humour. Your site does so much to put across the sense of both fun and skill in R/C flying.... Yours is absolutely one of the very best R/C resources on the net and such a great find The only downside is that its so bloody addictive!"
- Ralph E., UK.
"...No need to write back but I just gotta say I just spent a full 2 hours burning through your site and it is EXCELLENT. Dude, your site is so straightforward and helpful! Just wanted to let you know that I was SERIOUSLY Impressed. Great Job and I encourage you to completely ignore everyone who's a naysayer."
- Derek, USA.
"...Can I say at this point your website is very professional in all respects... Credit to you for producing what I term the best website on the net for sound information regarding RC Aircraft flying, very professional! ...I don't think the material could be bettered."
- Paul T., UK.
"Just wanted to let you know that I found your brilliant website so very informative. This has answered so many questions that I have had lodged in my mind and after one click of the mouse your site has answered them in a jiffy, thank you. I wish you well for the future and look forward to further updates."
- Dave P., UK.
"...To be brief, I'd like your permission to link your site to the "Getting Started" button on our site... Your site has terrific information for new pilots and I'd like to share it with our community."
- Patrick S., Saint Louis, MO (www.buderflyers.com).
"I am membership chairman for the Southern Tier Aero Radio Society located in Southwestern New York State... Your site is the best source I have found for RC flyers, both young and old. You should be proud."
- Ed F., Olean, New York State..
"I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy the web site... With some things I have learned from your site I am confident I can do it."
- Jeff P, Corydon, Indiana.
"Pete Carpenter, owner of RC-Airplane-World.com, has done an outstanding job, not only with the layout of the site, but in his generosity to help others in the world of rc flying. He goes beyond any expectation to answer your questions or requests thoroughly and quickly. He is an excellent resource, and I am glad that I found his website! I have found the resources and information on his site to be highly useful and relevant; there's something for every rc enthusiast from beginner to expert. I highly recommend anyone getting into radio control aircraft to bookmark his site and return often for a wealth of knowledge and friendly service!"
- Carl Baer, Colorado Springs, CO.
"I am really impressed with your web site. I have been involved with RC aircraft for over 25 years and can appreciate your own enthusiasm and passion towards RC and aeronautics in general... thank you from the rest of the RC aircraft world for doing such a great job at promoting our hobby. There is too much fluff out there right now, we need more sites with substance, and yours is among the best."
- John S, Valemount, BC, Canada (www.rchelicopterfun.com).
"I would like to thank you for pointing me in the right direction as regards to buying a new heli, and taking the time out to film videos of what to expect when I got it.... Carry on the good work, this web site helped me immensely!"
- Adam L, Huddersfield, UK.
"I just have to tell you it's a great site - very informative with some great reading.... what I found most interesting were your articles on the actual theory of flight and the mechanics of it all (not too technical yet to the point)... thanks for all your obvious hard work."
- Alan R, Glasgow, UK.
"Just wanted to say thanks for all the info on your page. Not everyone is so upfront in giving out such info on starting out in such a hobby, it helped me out on making my first helicopter purchase by making me confident in what I was getting myself into."
- Rob C, Hamlin, Pennsylvania.
"Your web site is a great place for new R/C heli people to get some good basic knowledge for first time flight. Thanks for providing a lot of good info that has really boosted my confidence in being able to actually fly my new heli (DF 22E)."
- WB, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
"Hi Pete, Just wanted to express my gratitude for such an excellent array of setup and other tips for the Walkera Dragonfly 4/Venom Night Ranger II. It's by far the best resource on the internet for this model that I've come across, and has saved me some money in broken bits already!"
- Sam R, Melbourne, Australia.
"Your website, as well as your fast response to questions is unparalleled when it comes to RC websites on the net."
- Ryan N, California.
"I found everything I needed on this website and I really appreciate all of your time and work putting it together."
- Kenneth R, Tucson, Arizona.
"Hi Pete, A very good informative and interesting website... Thanks very much for all the hard work you put into documenting your Walkera experiences."
- Nick S, Thailand.
"Hi Pete, How do you manage to do it all? Your hobby, your job and this web site. You are a tribute to human creativity
and productivity.... Please keep on doing what you do. Best regards!"
- Olivier S, Los Angeles.
"I've visited your site, and I have to say I really enjoyed reading it. It's hard to find any good RC related sites and I definitely see that you try to provide your readers with good, quality content..."
- Howard H, Canada (www.everything-rc-cars.com).
"Hello, I found your website on google and have very much enjoyed it...I have found the content on your site to be of great value to the people who frequent my site, and have taken the liberty to add a link on my directory."
- Tom B, Florida.
"What a great website. I'm glad I found it..."
- Maartin E, Netherlands.
"You have one of the best R/C sites I visit and think you're doing a terrific job promoting our great hobby by not only offering products, but also quality information and links."
- Donald G.
"Hi there, I'm from Italy and I just discovered this wonderful site for RC plane beginners as me..."
- Wintrop, Italy.
"Hi Pete I have checked your page, is amazing all you have done and the passion you put in this, thanks to your father!"
- Oscar, Peru.
"What a great site you have. It's really a great resource. Thank you and please keep up your great work."
- Tom E, Illinois.