RC Airplane World - Complete Beginners RC Flying Guide

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MHz RC frequencies for the UK

[For a general explanation of rc frequencies & channels, use this link.]

This page gives the MHz rc frequencies and their associated channel numbers in use in the United Kingdom. The 3 main frequency bands for radio control use are:

  • 27MHz AM for general use (identified by colour, rather than channel number).
  • 35MHz FM for aircraft use only.
  • 40MHz FM for surface vehicles only.

While the 35MHz band is designated for rc aircraft only, it's worth noting that some Ready To Fly kits, particularly imported ones, might use the 27MHz band. Care should be taken if flying a model plane on this band, as it's also used not only for rc surface vehicles but also Citizen Band (CB) radio.

Frequency chart for the 27MHz band:

For shared rc use, many rc toys use the 27MHz band.

Colour / Frequency (MHz) Colour / Frequency (MHz)
Black / 26.975 Orange-Yellow / 27.125
Brown / 26.995 Yellow / 27.145
Brown-Red / 27.025 Yellow-Green / 27.175
Red / 27.045 Green / 27.195
Red-Orange / 27.075 Green-Blue / 27.225
Orange / 27.095 White or purple / 27.275
Blue / 27.245

Frequency chart for the 35MHz band:

For use with rc aircraft only.

Ch.# / Frequency (MHz) Ch.# / Frequency (MHz) Ch.# / Frequency (MHz)
55 / 34.950 67 / 35.070 79 / 35.190
56 / 34.960 68 / 35.080 80 / 35.200
57 / 34.970 69 / 35.090 81 / 35.210
58 / 34.980 70 / 35.100 82 / 35.220
59 / 34.990 71 / 35.110 83 / 35.230
60 / 35.000 72 / 35.120 84 / 35.240
61 / 35.010 73 / 35.130 85 / 35.250
62 / 35.020 74 / 35.140 86 / 35.260
63 / 35.030 75 / 35.150 87 / 35.270
64 / 35.040 76 / 35.160 88 / 35.280
65 / 35.050 77 / 35.170 89 / 35.290
66 / 35.060 78 / 35.180 90 / 35.300

Frequency chart for the 40MHz band:

For use with rc surface vehicles eg cars and boats.

Ch.# / Frequency (MHz) Ch.# / Frequency (MHz) Ch.# / Frequency (MHz)
665 / 40.665 785 / 40.785 905 / 40.905
675 / 40.675 795 / 40.795 915 / 40.915
685 / 40.685 805 / 40.805 925 / 40.925
695 / 40.695 815 / 40.815 935 / 40.935
705 / 40.705 825 / 40.825 945 / 40.945
715 / 40.715 835 / 40.835 955 / 40.955
725 / 40.725 845 / 40.845 965 / 40.965
735 / 40.735 855 / 40.855 975 / 40.975
745 / 40.745 865 / 40.865 985 / 40.985
755 / 40.755 875 / 40.875 995 / 40.995
765 / 40.765 885 / 40.885
775 / 40.775 895 / 40.895

The above rc frequencies are the legally designated channels for traditional MHz radio control systems in the UK; the newer 2.4GHz systems use different technology and the frequency channels do not apply.


Related pages & resources

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