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RC gliding (slope soaring) in Wiltshire, U.K.

- with the Wessex Soaring Association

The Wessex Soaring Association (WSA) is a radio control glider club with a variety of slopes in south-west Wiltshire (southern England, U.K.) and a flat-field site for thermal soaring in the neighbouring county of Dorset.

WSA has a membership of around 70 friendly rc soaring enthusiasts, and we welcome any like-minded aeromodellers to the club.

There is a large range of gliders in the club, ranging from the very affordable foamies, to kit-built balsa scale gliders, to expensive mouldies - and everything in between!

RC gliding in Wiltshire

Above: RC slope soaring in Wiltshire with the Wessex Soaring Assoc.

As 'slope rep' for the WSA, I arrange a monthly slope fly-in on the first Saturday/Sunday of each month throughout the year and visitors are welcome to come and fly with us on these days, or arrangements can be made for any guest to be accompanied to one of the slopes at any other time.

Our slopes are situated very close to each other, all a few miles to the east of Shaftesbury, and are accessible from the A30 road. The slopes enjoy good lift in the right conditions, and are flyable in most wind directions.

The flat-field thermalling site is situated in Dorset and is an excellent farm-based flying site. Friendly club competitions are held throughout the year, these include the 'Winter Chuckie' competition held in the winter months (Jan/Feb) and the e-soaring events held throughout the summer months.

All methods of launch are permitted - and used - at the site, and two club bungees are kept on site for use by members.

Notable WSA members include renowned builder of giant scale gliders Chris Williams, and also Ian Duff who is a very well known and respected name on the national (and international) rc glider competition scene. WSA is certainly very fortunate to have these names on the membership list!

Chris Williams giant scale rc gliders

Above: Two of Chris Williams' giant scale gliders.

So if you've been surfing the net for information on rc gliding in Wiltshire, now you know who to get in touch with!
The Wessex Soaring Association website is at http://wsa.bmfa.org/ or you can contact me directly for further information on joining us for some rc slope soaring fun in Wiltshire, or for thermal hunting at the flat-field site in Dorset.

Visit the WSA website for more info on RC slope soaring in Wiltshire.


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