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RC model aero clubs in Victoria

Approximate field locations have been given for these rc airplane clubs of Victoria, just to help you identify a club in your area.

For more detailed locations and directions, times and addresses of club meetings and for membership details, please visit the club's website by clicking on the active link.

If you know of an rc airplane club or flying field in Victoria that isn't listed here, please take a couple of minutes to submit the details using the simple submission form, and help us build a bigger and better rc club directory.

If you find a dead or broken link while using this page, please report it here - thank you very much!

Map of Victoria

Click the image to open Victoria in Google Maps.
Google Map of Victoria

Victoria clubs:

Ararat & Grampians Model Flying Club
Website: n/a
Location: Western Hwy approx 3 km's east of Ararat. Also 15km's west of Ararat.
Contact: glider35 @ bigpond . com (no spaces).

Australian Freestyle Flyers
Website: www.facebook.com/FreestyleFlyers
Location: 38-50 Ogrady road, Hallam.

Bairnsdale and District Model Aero Club
Website: http://badmaceastvic.blogspot.com/
Location: Bengworden Rd. corner Boundary Rd. Goon Nure, Vic 3875.

BawBaw Radiomodellers Association Gippsland
Website: www.bawbawrc.com.au
Location: Willow Grove.

Bendigo Radio Controlled Aircraft Club
Website: www.brcac.asn.au
Location: Highway B240, Marong.

Central Victoria Radio Control Modellers Inc.
Website: www.facebook.com/CVRCM
Location: Lot 1 Hodges Lane, Longlea. 10 Kms from Bendigo.

Doncaster Aeromodellers
Website: www.dac.org.au
Location: Bulleen Park, off Bulleen Rd, Bulleen.

Geelong Miniature Aircraft Association (GMAA)
Website: https://thegmaa.wixsite.com/geelong
Location: Two fields: 1) Dog Rocks Road, Fyansford, and 2) Shepherd's Road, Mannerim.

Grampians Model Flying Club
Website: n/a
Location: Approx 15 kms West of Ararat.
Contact: David Lovell - glider35 @ bigpond . com (no spaces)

Greensborough Model Aircraft Club
Website: www.gmac.org.au
Location: Yarrambat Park, Yarrambat.

Keilor & Districts Model Aircraft Society
Website: https://kdmas.com.au/
Location: Sydenham Park, Calder Highway, Keilor North.

Latrobe Valley Model Aero Club
Website: www.lvmac.org.au
Location: Lake Narracan, Latrobe Valley.

Melbourne Radio Controlled Helicopter Club
Website: www.mrchc.org.au
Location: next to the National Water Sports Stadium, Melbourne.

Moira Model Aircraft Club
Website: n/a
Location: 122 Pye Road, Cobram.

Nepean Miniature Aerosport Association
Website: http://nmaa-rc.org.au
Location: 112 Truemans Rd., Tootgarook.

Website: www.pdarcs.com.au
Location: Cardinia approx 55 km South East of Melbourne.

South Eastern Model Aircraft Club Inc
Website: http://semac.org.au/
Location: 576 Frankston Dandenong Road, Bangholme.

Westernport Model Aircraft Club
Website: www.wpmac.com.au
Location: Woolleys Road, Crib Point VIC. Melway Map Ref 165C8.


Submit your rc model aero club of Victoria here.

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