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RC model aero clubs in
Western Australia

Approximate field locations have been given for these rc airplane clubs of Western Australia, just to help you identify a club in your area.
For more detailed locations and directions, times and addresses of club meetings and for membership details, please visit the club's website by clicking on the active link.

If you know of an rc airplane club or flying field in Western Australia that isn't listed here, please take a couple of minutes to submit the details using the submission form, and help us build a bigger and better rc club directory.

If you find a dead or broken link while using this page, please report it here - thank you very much.

Map of Western Australia

Click the image to open WA in Google Maps.
Google Map of Western Australia

Western Australia clubs:

Collie Aero Modellers Inc.
Website: www.collieaeromodellers.websyte.com.au
Location: 16km east of Collie on Coalfields Highway, Right turn onto Airfield access road at Collie Aero Modellers sign, Collie.

Dardanup Aeromodellers
Website: www.dams.org.au
Location: On Panizza Road, just north of the Dardanup refuse disposal site, Bunbury.

Esperance Model Aero Club
Website: n/a
Location: Aprox 10 miles north of Esperance, near the speedway.

Website: http://kamsrc.com.au/
Location: Located just 50km south of Perth.

WA Model Aircraft State Centre
Website: http://wamasc.wixsite.com/wamasc
Location: Beechboro Rd Nth, Whiteman, Perth.

Whiteman Park Model Helicopter Club
Website: www.facebook.com/pages/Whiteman-Model-Helicopter-Club/106185452816540
Location: Whiteman Park.


The official body for model flying in Australia is the:
Model Aeronautical Association of Australia (MAAA).

Submit your rc model aero club of Western Australia here.

Return to rc airplane clubs directory index.